Saturday, February 28, 2009

Julia's Baptism Day

Julia's baptism day was pretty relaxing. We decided not to do a meal afterwards, but to just do desserts, which at first I was upset about, but in the end I was grateful. I baked cookies all morning and finished cleaning. We took our time getting ready for the day, and Eldon and I both got a nap! We took Julia to an early dinner while Lisa watched Emma and Andrew for us. We had a nice, calm meal with Julia and Grandma and Grandpa Hult, who happened to come to the same restaurant as us around the same time and they were able to eat with us also. Julia looked beautiful in her white dress.

There were a couple mishaps at the baptism, but one of them wasn't my fault:) I accidentally asked my sister and my sister in law to give a talk on the Holy Ghost, but no talk on baptism without realizing it. OOPS! My poor sister winged her talk, and did a great job. She is such a trooper! The other mishap was when we went to the room with the font in it there was only about 12 inches of water in the font. We had to wait about 10 minutes to fill the font full enough for the baptism. That was a little chaotic with so many little kids waiting.

We felt very blessed to share this day with Julia. She is such a sweet, obedient girl. I'm grateful to have her for a daughter.


Annalyse said...

What a beautiful family you have. I am so glad that you had such a great day. Julia looks so pretty in her dress. That is a good idea to no do a meal and just desserts. I'll have to remember that. I'm glad for you that it is March tomorrow. Hopefully this month won't be so crazy for you! I'll call you this week so we can get together.

Jon said...

Hermana Too-ket adds another baptism. AWESOME!

Jean McKendrick said...

I didn't realize you had a blog! How cool! I will have to add you to my list that I follow. I love keeping up with people through their blogs.
Congrats on the baptism!

Tara said...

You all look beautiful! What a special day for the whole family, even with a couple of mishaps.