So happy to be blogging again! For those of you who read my last post you know that Eldon bought me a laptop for Christmas! Now I really am back in the blogging saddle!
Merry Christmas 2012
After a fun Christmas Eve Cracker Dinner/Christmas Party at G&G Hult's house we let the kids open their Christmas Jammies. They were so excited for Santa to come there were no complaints at bedtime.

I love trying to catch the kids reactions to their gifts on camera. This was a good one from Julia when she opened her new ipod. She was really surprised because that was not on her Christmas list.
AJ got a Chugginton train set, a new bike and an ipod.
Andrew was pretty excited about all his gifts, even this coloring book, crayons, and pencil from his school teacher.
What could be better than Princess bubble bath? Emma has the best excited faces!
Julia was even excited about her new softball bat bag and that one was on her wish list.
The puppies seemed pretty content with their new beds. Are they spoiled or what!
After opening gifts at home we headed to G&G Tuckett's house for breakfast and more gift opening. Julia was excited about the neon yellow tennis shoes she has been begging for.
Emma got a cute tangled doll from one of the Hardy cousins. It also came with Rapunzel's pet chameleon, Pasqual, that Emma calls Hopkins, like the frog from Signing Time. She is getting her movies mixed-up :)
We were extremely blessed this year with good health, the love of family and friends, and the knowledge that our Savior lives and loves each one of us! We are especially thankful Eldon was able to find a good job after our summer of uncertainty. Very Blessed!