Thursday, March 17, 2011

Near Death Experience

I almost died last week. I was taking my vitamins in the morning and didn't realise the lid to my water bottle was in my hand along with all the vitamins. I tried to choke them all down and couldn't understand why it was so difficult this time. Then the lid got stuck. I coughed and gagged and was losing air quickly. I looked around at the 5, 3(my niece), and 1 year old wondering who was going to give me the heimlic(sp?) maneuver. I leaned over the sink trying with all my might to get some air and get the thing out of my throat, knowing that I had already gotten all my vitamins out, when the lid finally popped out. I was shaking and crying, and thankful to be alive. I have never choked like that before, and hope to never have a similar experience.
At dinner that night when I was telling Eldon that I had almost died that morning Andrew pipes in with, "If you died mom, we would have to get a new mom."
Problem solved. Simple as that. One mom dies, just get a new one!


Stefany said...

Sara, you should have come running down the stairs!! I would have helped you!!! SCARY SCARY!! Im glad you are ok!

Jonathan said...

Oh my goodness! How scary for you. I for one am quite relieved that you didn't die!!! :)

Tara said...

That was me. :)

Sara said...

Stef, you were actually the first person to come to my mind, but I didn't think I would make it all the way down there without passing out. Fun stuff!

Jean McKendrick said...

Oh my gosh that is SO SCARY Sara! I am glad you were able to get it out on your own. Please don't try and choke down any water bottle lids in the future.

Greg and Heather said...

That is so awful! I'm so glad that you thought quick enough to do what you did to get it out. It all happens so fast!
It brings back awful memories for me from when Nate choked on a grape about a year and a half ago. I still have anxiety when I think about it.
I'm so happy that you're okay!!!

Erin said...

I'm really glad your kids didn't have to get a new mom! Seriously, so glad you're okay. Scary!